The movie opens in Nicks (Michael Cera) room, the screen pans the scene as Nick leaves a message on his ex-girlfriend Triss (Alexis Dziena) answering machine. Nick tells her that he is leaving the last of his mixed cds on her doorstep, making this volume # 12 of the Road to Closure series. Nick is heartbroken that they broke up and wants to know why it happened especially why on his b-day. The scene then goes to Sacred Heart High school in Englewood, NJ.
Bopping down the hallway listening to her ipod is Norah (Kat Dennings), on her way to her locker she meets up with Caroline (Ari Graynor). Caroline asks her if they are heading out to the city for the night, Norah agrees as long as Caroline promises not to get drunk again. Caroline agrees when Tris comes up to them. Tris used to be friends with Norah and Caroline but its obvious Norah and Tris dont agree on much anymore. Tris brags to the girls about how she received another mixed cd from her ex and ridicules the cover art and song selection, she ends up throwing it in the trash. As soon as Tris walks away, Norah picks it up from the trash bin. Norah has been listening to the past 7 mixed cds Tris has thrown out and loves both the music and cover art. The girls leave for home to get ready, on their way out they meet with Tris again who asks to meet up with them on her way to try and find the elusive band Wheres Fluffy?.
A loud dingy van pulls up to Nicks house and his friends Dev (Rafi Gavron) and Thom (Aaron Yoo) get out. Apparently, all three of them have a gig in the city tonight with their band The Jerk Offs. Nick says that he doesnt feel up for it and is taking a mental health day. With some convincing from his friends they pack up their instruments and head out to the city.
That night, Norah is in the crowd as the Jerk Offs take the stage. She listens intently all the while looking at Nick up on stage playing bass. Caroline, is off by the bar getting steadily drunker by the minute and flirting with whoever comes by her way. After the Jerk Offs set, Caroline pokes fun at Norah for obviously having a crush on Nick, she even proceeds to bump into her so she would bump into Nick and get his attention. This doesnt work since Nick has just spotted Tris and her new boyfriend Gary in the crowd. Nick says hello to Tris but is basically disheartened at the sight of her new boyfriend who is older and in college. Tris eventually goes up to say hello to Norah but ends up insulting her by saying that she is alone again as usual. In order to get Tris off her back, Norah says that she isnt alone and that she really should be headed back to her boyfriend. Tris is taken aback by this and asks her where her boyfriend is. Norah just walks away to the bar where she spots Nick; she quietly asks him to be her boyfriend for five minutes and plants a kiss on him. They both enjoy it until Tris rushes over and asks how they both met, Norah covers up by saying they met at a dentist and have been dating ever since. Tris is obviously jealous but ends up leaving with Gary, Norah decides that Caroline is again too drunk to handle and attempts to get her home. Nicks friends Dev and Thom see this and try to stall; they obviously hate Tris and think Norah would be perfect for their friend. Dev, Thom, and Thoms date Beefy Guy end up offering Caroline a ride home in their van so Nick and Norah could stay in the city and search for the band Wheres Fluffy?.
Nick and Norah are both hesitant but ultimately agree. Nick tells Norah that Dev, Thom, and the beefy guy are all gay so if anyone gets raped in the van it would be a guy and not Caroline. Before the group splits up, Thom talks to Nick and convinces him to give Norah a shot since they obviously mesh great together. Dev takes Norah to the van and gives her a push-up bra to replace her sports one.
Nick and Norah head off around the city trying to find Wheres Fluffy? They both talk about how much they love the band and playfully argue about whom loved them first. Nick ultimately ruins it by bringing up Tris and asking Norah if she is the friend Tris claimed was always jealous of her. Norah gets out of the car and is about to get a taxi when Nick calls her back saying his friends had lost Caroline. Caroline had jumped out of the van after hearing the boys discuss band new band names like Balls Deep. Now no one knows where Caroline is so they all decide to meet up and try to find her. They scour the city looking for her; Caroline is shown in Port Authority terminal trying to get a ticket back home to Jersey, since she doesnt have any money she is pretty much stuck. Caroline end up having a drunken one-sided conversation with a guy dressed as a chef, she ultimately tries to eat half of his sandwich but ends up running to the bathroom and throwing up. Nick, Norah and the gang all show up at Port Authority and realize that the last bus to Jersey had already left, they assume that Caroline must be wherever Wheres Fluffy? is and they leave to go look for her. As they leave, Caroline is seen stumbling out of bathroom.
Nick, Norah, and the rest of the gang end up at BK pool, a club in Brooklyn. Norah can easily get into club and Nick asks why, but theyre both interrupted by Tal (Jay Baruchel). Tal is Norahs ex, he proceeds to drag Norah away and kiss her neck. Nick is obviously jealous at this and steals glances at Norah every now and then. Ultimately, it turns out to be the old bait and switch routine and instead of Wheres Fluff? its a band called Are you randy? Everyone ends up leaving and Nick is surprised to see Norah walk back with them to the van, he ends up giving her his sweater to keep her warm. As they head back to the city they run into Tris again in a convenience store, inside Tris confronts Norah and tries to convince her that Nick isnt the guy for her. When that doesnt work, Tris teases her about the fact that she has never had an orgasm and never will have one with Nick. Tris ends up receiving a call from Caroline, apparently Caroline has found Jesus and Norah ends up rushing out to try and find her. Norah tells the guys the new information and they all scour churches trying to find Caroline. In one particular scene, Nick runs into a group of threatening homeless people including Andy Sandberg (SNL) in front of a church and ends up running away. Eventually, Thom and Dev remember a gay cabaret show with a Christmas theme; they all head there and find Caroline in the show dressed up as a lighted Christmas tree.
On their way back to Nicks car, Nick realizes what a good friend Norah is by taking care of Caroline in her drunken state. In a sweet scene, he ends up using a saved wet-nap to clean Norahs hand after Caroline throws up on her. When they reach his car, Tris is found sitting on it. Nick leaves to confront her and basically forgets about Norah, Norah stops him and shyly whispers that it was nice meeting him as his friends lament Nick leaving her.
Norah decides to call up her ex and meet up with him in a club. Once there, she realizes that Tal is only using her for connections. Norahs dad is famous music producer and that explains why Norah can walk into any club without being stopped. Norah eventually gets frustrated after being asked to take care of a bar tab, she tells the waitress she miscalculated the bill and to add an extra zero, she ends up storming out of the club.
In the meantime, Tris tells Nick that she wants a ride home from someone dependable like him, on the way to Jersey she says that was wrong and that she wants him back. She ends up trying to seduce him and dances sexily to You Sexy Thing. As she dances, Nick remembers the fun he had with Norah; he ends up driving away and leaving Tris. Nick calls up Norah to apologize and asks to meet with her. They both meet at a diner, there Nick apologizes again and they both agree to go someplace where they know no one will find them. Norah decides to surprise Nick and drives the car, Norah turns out to be a pretty reckless driver and crashes Nicks car into a fire hydrant while scrolling through his ipod and deeming him her musical soul mate.
Nick and Norah end up at Electric Lady Studios, which is owned by her father. Nick is amazed by where they are and all of the equipment, Norah asks him to record something and he steps into the booth and sings a little song about how she crashed his car. Norah ends up walking into the booth with him, they stare at each other before making out on the couch, the sound equipment then picks up Norah having an orgasm inside the booth, courtesy of Nick. The moment is interrupted by Norah receiving a text message from Caroline, they had found Wheres Fluffy? Norah and Nick rush out to meet up with them, in the crowd Norah is confronted by Tal and Nick is confronted by Tris. Both want to know why they were ditched, Tal ends up pulling Norah away from Nick again, Nick pushes him and a fight is about to start but the Beefy Guy/ Lothario ends up head butting Tal. Nick and Norah then glance at each other and leave hand in hand as Wheres Fluffy? takes the stage. They are then both seen entering Penn Station, Norah asks if Nick regrets not watching the show, Nick says he doesnt care and they share a kiss as they go down the escalator.